CSF Samples for Research

PrecisionMed is the largest private global source of longitudinally collected Human Cerebral Spinal Fluid from normal control as well as diseased populations. Our CSF biorepository consists of CSF, CSF cell pellet, PAXGene RNA, serum, plasma, and blood cell pellet collections, with associated detailed HIPAA-compliant clinical data corresponding to each donor visit.

All samples are available immediately, and can ship within days, not weeks or months. Diseased and TruNormal® CSF collections comprise samples from various age groups and visit formats. New donors, repeat visits from existing donors, as well as additional disease types are regularly added. CSF is collected in the United States under US IRB-approved protocols. Additional banked biomaterial matched to CSF is also available.

Cognitive Rating Scales


Family history

Medical History

TruNormal® Samples

PrecisionMed, is the world’s only supplier of TruNormal® biological samples. These samples can be matched to our banked diseased material when normal controls are required.

Our TruNormal® neuroscience samples are from donors with normal cognition, no history and no family history of significant neurological or neuropsychiatric disease and no neurological complaint.

When a patient presents with a neurological problem severe enough to warrant a lumbar puncture and the lab report comes back as normal, one may wonder about the other potentially abnormal biomarkers that were not evaluated. That is the CSF that you will get from most vendors labeled as “normal” CSF. Our TruNormal® CSF is taken from donors because they are normal.

Our repository of Banked TruNormal® CSF includes:

  • Controls >60 years old
  • Controls aged 35-60 years old
  • Young controls aged 18-35 years old

Normal CSF Donors > 60 years old

The ACE (Aging Cognition Evaluation) Registry | Protocol 7009

The Ace Registry is a longitudinal biological sample bank associated with linked serial cognition data.

Memory deficit is a natural and persistent phenomenon of the aging process. A better understanding of the underlying biology of memory and memory disorder is essential for the development of accurate diagnostic biomarkers and more effective treatments.

A significant problem in the evaluation of cognition deficit in initially normal and more importantly, cognitively impaired donors, is failure to establish a reliable baseline score. Ratings in clinical research are often based on relatively few repeated measurements taken over a short period of time and often by different raters. The ACE Registry establishes robust baseline cognition scores using the same validated instrument every 6 months. In addition, by introducing reliable and validated computerized cognitive assessments, The ACE Registry also seeks to remedy some of the other cognition evaluation shortcomings. Declines in cognition are quantified with reference to a stable baseline.

To qualify for the study, subjects must exhibit normal memory function within the normal range on the word recognition task. Biological samples are banked by PrecisionMed and clinical data are stored at PrecisionMed. Coded serial blood and CSF samples with linked serial clinical and cognition data are marketed to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Participating organizations receive biological samples linked to clinical data with the results of cognition testing. Subject identifiers are stored in a separate database and are not supplied to customers.

Elderly Control | Protocol 7800

Protocol 7800 is a collection of CSF and blood products from donors mostly aged >60 years. Each donor has donated samples on 2 occasions 4-12 weeks apart.

Normal CSF Donors < 60 years old

Normal Controls from Schizophrenia Collection | Protocol 1022

Protocol 1022 is a collection of CSF and blood products from donors aged <60 years. These normal subjects were collected as TruNormal® controls for a collection of CSF and blood in donors diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Each donor has donated samples on 2 occasions 4-8 weeks apart.

Normal CSF Donors < 35 years old

Young Controls | Protocol 7900

Protocol 7900 is a collection of CSF and blood products from donors aged <35 years. Each donor has donated samples including CSF and blood on 5 occasions over 24 hours.

Young Controls | Protocol 8500

Protocol 8500 is a collection of CSF and blood products from non-smoking donors aged <35 years. Each donor has donated samples including CSF on 3 occasions over 40 hours, Blood draws were more frequent. This collection is completed and has samples available for purchase. Thirty normal non-smoking subjects were enrolled into this protocol.

Normal CSF Donors > 18 years old

Mixed Age Healthy Controls | Protocol 7005, 8200


A multiple visit, longitudinal collection and banking of CSF and blood products from donors aged > 18 years. Donors have normal cognition, no history and no family history of significant neurological or neuropsychiatric disease and no neurological complaint. Clinical data, rating scales (such as MMSE and MOCA) are also provided. Each donor donates samples including CSF and blood on 3 occasions 4-6 weeks apart. These collections are ongoing and have samples available for purchase.

Diseased CSF Collections

Our diseased CSF biorepository is comprised of the following diagnoses:

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Diabetic Neuropathy, Major Depressive Disorder, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Multiple System Atrophy, Parkinson’s Disease (PD), Rare Dementia,Schizophrenia, and Traumatic Brain Injury.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Both protocol 8009 and 8011 are comprised of a large selection of Mild Cognitively Impaired and Alzheimer’s Disease donors. The Alzheimer’s disease samples in protocol 8009 are classified as mild to moderate whereas the Alzheimer’s disease samples in protocol 8011 can include severe, moderate, and mild cases. Both protocols are comprised of a collection of CSF and biofluids from blood. Donors undergo a battery of cognitive tests including the MMSE, MOCA, ADAS-COG, CDR and IADLs in addition, we collect current medications, detailed demographics, and more.

Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and/or Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) | Protocol 8009

Longitudinal cognition follow-up and serial DNA/RNA/SERUM/ PLASMA/CSF/URINE/SALIVA banking in donors with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and/or Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) | Protocol 8011

Longitudinal cognition follow-up and serial DNA/RNA/SERUM/ PLASMA/CSF/URINE/SALIVA banking in donors with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease.


Parkinson’s Disease | Protocol 1009

DNA/RNA/SERUM/PLASMA/CSF/URINE/SALIVA banking in donors with Parkinson’s disease, Multiple System Atrophy, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration.

Our Parkinsonism protocol captures multiple subtypes of the Parkinsonism population, including Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple System Atrophy, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration. Donors must meet the criteria for one of the four subtypes in order to be eligible for this study. Clinical data, rating scales (such as the UPDRS, H&Y Staging and MMSE), blood and CSF are collected at the baseline visit and every 6 months.

To satisfy criteria for a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, donors must have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease for at least 1 year and must be on and have responded to a stable dose of dopamine therapy for at least 6 months. Onset of Parkinson’s disease must have been at age 60 or older

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) | Protocol 5400

The Multiple Sclerosis Registry is a collection of correlated data and biological samples (including CSF) from donors diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis or Clinically Isolated Syndrome. The MS Patient Registry is enrolling subjects with Definite Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing Remitting, Chronic Progressive or Secondary Progressive or Clinically Isolated Syndrome.

Six monthly samples with matched clinical data are available on a longitudinal basis. Custom requests for additional sample types, as well as more complex clinical, laboratory and/or radiographic evaluations within selected subpopulations are possible.

Schizophrenia CSF

Schizophrenia | Protocol 1022

Most donors have 2 CSF draws 4-8 weeks apart. We have matched TruNormal® CSF available for most subjects.

Donors have detailed demographic information, including medications, family history and rating scales such as the PANSS as well as the M.I.N.I or S.C.I.D. and cognition/memory testing.

Subjects met the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder as defined in the DSM-IV (295.10, 295.20, 295.30, 295.60, 295.90, 295.70). Diagnosis is confirmed by a psychiatrist. Subjects with evidence or current history of substance abuse were excluded.

Major Depressive Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder | Protocol 2109

Protocol 2109 this is a collection of CSF and blood products from donors with major depressive disorder. Donors evaluations include M.I.N.I.plus MMSE, HAM-D. This is a single visit protocol.

Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)

Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) | Protocol 7400

A single or multiple visit protocol for collection of DNA/RNA/SERUM/PLASMA/CSF in Probable Multiple System Atrophy

The Multiple System Atrophy patients are now captured under Protocol 1009.

Additional Banked Material Matched to CSF

Additional banked biomaterial matched to CSF includes PAXGene RNA, serum, plasma, blood cell pellet, and urine. All are prospectively consented and include detailed longitudinal clinical data.

Diagnoses include Alzheimer’s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Diabetic neuropathy, Major depressive disorder, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Multiple sclerosis,

Multiple system atrophy, Parkinson’s disease, rare dementias, Schizophrenia, and TruNormal®. Post mortem brain regions in Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease,

plus others, including controls are also available and supplied with appropriate clinical data.

Request Inventory

PrecisionMed has been providing researchers with the highest quality human biological material for research since 1996. View our inventory of human tissue, CSF, CSF Cell Pellets, DNA/EDTA blood pellets, PAXGene RNA, serum, plasma, and urine samples collected under IRB approved clinical protocols.

Our comprehensive sample collections are designed, managed and sponsored by PrecisionMed. If we don’t have it, we’ll collect it.

Have you heard? PrecisionMed has been acquired by BioIVT